Lambach, Stiftsbibliothek 31 (XXXI)

s. IX 1/2

137 fol. + 51 fol.
two manuscripts

Münsterschwarzbach, six hands, slight Insular influence

Online description on Hill Manuscript Library.

Part 1

fol. 1-72v 
Regula Basilii
Ms L in ed. CSEL 86 
fol. 73-79
Augustine, De opere monachrum, with lacunas

CPL 305
fol. 79-84
Sermo Augustini ad monachos. Inc. Instruit nos atque hortatur sermo divinus =
Eucherius of Lyon, Sermo 3 ad monachos, Faustus, Sermo 7 ad monachos,
Eusebius Gallicanus Sermo 42 (Sermo 7 ad monachos)
PL 50, col. 836C-841B;PL 58, col. 883C-887D
CCSL 101A, pp. 497-505

fol. 84-85
Macharius, Epistola ad monachos

fol. 85-88v
Regula quattuor patrum, ending with ch. 4.20
ed. SC 297, as MS L

fol. 89-91
Regula Macharii
ed. SC 297, as MS L

fol. 91-96
Evagrius, Proverbia ad monachos, eding with ch. 132
PL 20, col. 1181-1186

fol. 97-103
Columbanus, Regula coenobialis
ed. Walker, pp. 142-168, not used

fol. 103-108v
Columbanus, Regula monachorum
ed. Walker, pp. 122-142, not used

fol. 108v-110
Monita Porcarii
ed. Wilmart, pp. 477-480, not used

fol. 110-111
Columbanus, Epistola = Sermo 5
ed. Walker, pp. 84-86, MS not used

fol. 111v-115v
Praecepta Pinufii = Cassian, Institutiones IV, ch. 32-34
ed. SC 109, pp. 170-184

fol. 115v-124
Augustine, Praeceptum
ed. Verheijen, as MS A

fol. 124-134
Regula Pauli et Stephani
ed. Vilanova, as MS L

fol. 134-136v
Augustine, De opere monachorum, extracts. Inc. Qui autem dedicunt vacare hotiosos 

Part 2

fol. 137-171
Isidore of Seville, Synonyma
PL 83, col. 825-868, CPL 1203

fol. 171-187
De oratione psalmorum. Inc. Domine apud quem est salus plenitudine iustitiae

This MS is shares a subarchetype with St.-Gallen, Siftsbibliothek 915

  • Bischoff, Bernhard, Die südostdeutschen Schreibschulen und Bibliotheken in der Karolingerzeit, vol. 2, Wiesbaden 1980, pp. 41-41 (google books).
  • Bischoff, Bernhard, Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts (mit Ausnahme der wisigotischen), vol. 1: Aachen-Lambach, Wiesbaden 1998, p. 422, no. 2032-2033.
  • Vilanova, Johannes Evangelista M., Regula Pauli et Stephani. Edició crítica i comentari, Montserrat 1959 (Scripta et Documenta, vol. 11), pp. 25-26.
  • Leclercq, Jean, ‘L’ancienne version Latine des sentences d’Evagre pour les moines’, in: Scriptorium 5 (1951), pp. 195-213 at pp. 196-197.