Munich, Bayerische Staatsbiblilothek Clm 28118

Date: s. IXin or s. VIIIex
Origin: St. Maximin, Trier
216 fol.

Front page: Remark of Ludwig Traube on the history of the manuscript. It was owned by St. Maxim in Trier since the 9th century and became property of Joseph von Goerres after the monastery's secularisation. In 1902 Ludwig Traube bought the manuscript for the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek.

Front page: List of content in gothic script.

Catalogue description on manuscripta mediaevalia; see also Repertorium.

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Benedict of Aniane, Codex regularum

Please note: click on folio numbers for access to digital images of the manuscript.

fol. 1-18: Regula Benedicti
CPL 1852
fol. 18-18v: Benedict of Aniane, De diversarum paenitentiarum
fol. 19: Annonymus, Rithmimachia
Addition s. XI
fol. 19v-21v: Regula quattuor Patrum CPL 1859
fol. 21v-22: Regula patrum secunda CPL 1859a
fol. 22-23: Regula patrum tertia CPL 1859b
fol. 23-24: Regula Macharii CPL 1842
fol. 24-28: Vita Pacomii, here ascribed to Jerome BHL 6411/6412
fol. 28-29r: Jerome, Praefatio ad Regula Pachomii CPL 619a
fol. 29r-36: Pachomius, Regula
fol. 36-41: Pachomius, Epistolae
fol. 41
Verba Pachomii

fol. 41-41v: Theodor, Epistola
fol. 41v-51: Horsiesios, Liber
fol. 51:
Short unidentified text (joke?) (see below)

fol. 51v-80: Regula Basilii
fol. 79v
Extensive marginal note (illegible on digital image)

fol. 80-80v: Consensoria monachorum
CPL 1872
fol. 80v-83: Augustine, Praeceptum CPL 1838
fol. 83-86v: Regula Pauli et Stephani CPL 1850
fol. 86v-89: Columbanus, Regula monachorum CPL 1108
fol. 89-92v:

Columbanus, Regula coenobialis
(as part of the Regula monachorum)
CPL 1109

fol. 92v-100: Isidore of Seville, Regula CPL 1868
fol. 100:
Sententia de regulis devotarum
PL 103, col. 555
fol. 100-100v:

Second Council of Seville (619), ch. 11 (Concilii Spalense capitulo

ed. Vives,
Concilios Visigoticos
pp. 170-171
fol. 100v-105v: Fructuosus of Braga, Regula Complutensis/monachorum CPL 1869
fol. 106-113v: Ferriolus of Uzès, Regula CPL 1849
fol. 114-118: Aurelianus of Arles, Regula ad monachos CPL 1844
fol. 118-118v: Diptychon of the monastery founded by Arelanus of Arles CPL 1918
fol. 118v-126: Fructuosus of Braga, Regula communuis CPL 1870
fol. 126-126v: Fructuosus of Braga, Pactum CPL 1871
fol. 126v-132v: Regula Cassiani
CPL 1874
fol. 132v-136v: Regula Tarnantensis CPL 1851
fol. 136v-139: Regula Orientalis CPL 1840
fol. 139-141v: Regula cuiusdam patris ad monachos CPL 1862
fol. 141v-184v: Regula magistri CPL 1858
fol. 184v-192: Caesarius of Arles, Regula ad vrigines CPL 1009
fol. 192-192v: Hormisda, Epistola ad Caesarium
fol. 192v-193: Orationes quando soror migrat de corpore
fol. 193-196: Aurelianus of Arles, Regula ad virgines CPL 1845
fol. 196: Johannes of Arles, Epistola ad virgines CPL 1848
fol. 196-207: Donatus, Regula ad virgines CPL 1860
fol. 207-214v: Regula cuiusdam ad virgines (incomplete)
CPL 1863
fol. 215-215v: Ps.-Columbanus, Regula ad virgines ed. Seebass,
fol. 216-216v
unknown chapter of a rule for monks

Literature (click here for more):
  • Bischoff, Bernhard, ‘Die ältesten Handschriften der Regula S. Benedicti in Bayern’, in: Studien und Mitteilungen des Benediktinerordens und seiner Zweige 92 (1981), p. 12.
  • Bonnerue, Pierre, in: CCCM 168, pp. 179-180.
  • Boon, Amand, Pachomiana Latina. Régle et épitres de S. Pachome, épitre de S. Théodore et „liber“ de S. Orsiesius, Louvain 1932, pp. X-XI.
  • Bouillet, M.-E., ‘Le vrai „Codex Regularum“ de Saint Benoît d’Aniane’, in: Revue Bénédictine 75 (1965), S. 345-349.
  • Hauke, Hermann, Katalog der lateinischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München. Clm 28111-28254, Wiesbaden 1986, pp. 7-13 (on manuscripta mediaevalia).
  • Ledoyen, Henri, ‘La „Regula Cassiani“ du Clm 28118 et la règle anonyme de l’Escorial A.I.13. Présentation et édition’, in: Revue Bénédictine 94 (1984), pp. 154-156.
  • Plenkers, Heribert, Untersuchungen zur Überlieferungsgeschichte der ältesten lateinischen Mönchsregeln, München 1906 (Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters, vol. 1.3), pp. 3-13 - click here.
  • Semmler, Josef, ‘Benedictus II: una regula - una consuetudo’, in: W. Lourdaux and D. Verhelst (eds.), Benedictine Culture 750-1050, Louvain 1983 (Mediaevalia Lovaniensia Series, vol. 11), pp. 1-49.
  • Verheijen, Lucas, La règle de Saint Augustin, vol. 1, pp. 250-252.
  • Vilanova, Johannes Evangelista M., Regula Pauli et Stephani. Edició crítica i comentari, Montserrat 1959 (Scripta et Documenta, vol. 11), pp. 27-28, p. 45 and inlay pp. 34/35.
  • Repertorium.

Unidentified joke on fol. 51b:
Mulier haec paupercula venit ad me dicens posse me apud te. Si possum ostende. Mulier pro qua praecaris publicis subiacere tributis videtur et ideo non possum praestare quod petis. Si volens non potuisti utcumque res se habet. Si autem potens non voluisti deducet te deus ad indigentium chorum. Quando volens non poteris.